100% quality, 100% taste, 0 compromises 

Our WOW dog food not only tastes good, it also does good. Our local ingredients and recipes developed with nutritionists and vets will make your dog's mouth water.

Love your dog can taste 

WOW is dedicated to showing love to dogs and is carefully produced in the heart of Austria. And because we care about your dog's health, nothing goes into our products that we don't thoroughly test. We proudly leave out anything that dogs don't need: cheap cereals that can cause intolerances and weight problems, chemical preservatives and unnecessary flavour enhancers. 

Ein WOW Papiersakerl in dem sich Gemüse und eine Dose Junior Huhn befindet Ein WOW Papiersakerl in dem sich Gemüse und eine Dose Junior Huhn befindet
Hund mit einer Mistkabel auf der eine Dose Adult Pute aufgespießt wurde Hund mit einer Mistkabel auf der eine Dose Adult Pute aufgespießt wurde

The best ingredients for WOW dog food 

We rely on hearty meat, fresh herbs, plenty of vitamins and trace elements for your dog’s wellbeing. Healthy fruit and vegetables are also a must-have, and contribute to the vitality of your pet. With a meat content always over 70%, your dog is optimally supplied with high-quality proteins. No matter whether you choose dry or wet food: With WOW you can be sure to do something good for your dog at all ages – from junior to senior. The kibbles in our dry food are even adapted to the optimum size for your dog's age or size. And our snacks are also simply WOW, at any age! 

Valuable carbohydrates for long-lasting health

We believe that low-quality carbohydrates in the form of cereals are not what your dog needs. This is because many dogs cannot easily digest cereals and the gluten they contain, and these carbohydrates can lead to weight problems. It is all the more important to us that your dog eats high-quality carbohydrates as a source of energy: through high amounts of vegetables and pseudo-grains, e.g. sweet potatoes or root vegetables.  

Drei Hunde die sich in den Pfoten halten über denen ein Herz schwebt Drei Hunde die sich in den Pfoten halten über denen ein Herz schwebt
Ein gezeichneter Hund der eine Spardose mit einer Münze an den Pfoten hält Ein gezeichneter Hund der eine Spardose mit einer Münze an den Pfoten hält

Our promise: 100% natural nibbles

Everything is prepared in Austria. Here, we focus on regional origin and seasonal quality, and we make this a reality every day in our family business. Our founder Katharina has made it her life's work not only to look after her pets, but to pass on her high-quality standards. That's why we rely on suppliers we have complete trust in when it comes to the origin of our ingredients. This way you can be sure to enjoy a wonderful, and above all, long time with your dog.